Wednesday, November 12, 2008


So it has been a while since is posted last. This is just one of the reasons why. Mitch coached the girls varsity soccer team for one of the high schools here in town. He was pretty much M I A for the last two months. They had a great year and did really well. They were first in there region and made it to the semi-finals in the state tournament. Needless to say now our kids are all huge soccer fans. I think that they like hanging out with the soccer girls more that actually watching the game, but that's OK. We even scored a few babysitters. We enjoyed watching as many of the games that we could. The season was great, but we are glad to have Mitch back. Soccer started around the time that school started along with all of the kids activities. So with Mitch being so busy with soccer that meant that i was so busy with everything else. Now things have mellowed out and I actually have some free time on my hands to update my blog.

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