Friday, April 23, 2010

We interrupt this blog to bring you SOCCER SEASON

Up here in Utah soccer is in the spring instead of summer. Our lives have become absolutely insanely crazy busy. I can't complain because we love soccer, but let me complain for just a minute. All four kids are playing this year by there choice and I can not believe how busy we are. We have 8 games and 5 practices a week. That more than doubles our normal after school and weekend activities. We only have about four weeks left and after that I no I will miss it, but I might just be crazy (or crazier) by then. Ok enough complaining. The kids all love it. Hanna is playing goalie this year for the first time and is doing quite well. The others kind of rotate positions. Dallin has scored a few goals and Ty and Meeka are working on it. Mitch is coaching Tyler's team again this year and helping a little with the others. When the weather is nice we really enjoy watching the games, but rain, snow and wind are not so much fun. So if I don't blog for a while or answer the phone or door, you know why. Here's to a successful and busy soccer season. Go team! Oh I mean TEAMS!!

Hanna's Birthday

Little miss Hanna Banana turned 9 a few weeks ago. I can not believe how grown up she is getting. She is as tall as her big brother and easily a strong a he is. On the rare occasion that she actually lets me fix her hair for her I have to have her sit down on a step stool to see the top of her head. I have no doubt that she will pass me up. Hanna's loves right now are soccer, gymnastics, reading and friends. She is a very self motivated person and rarely has to be reminded to do anything. She is also a busy, busy, busy girl. Competitive soccer keeps her busy almost ever night of the week. She is very cheerful and easy to get along with. Hanna is also wonderful with the kids and LOVES babies and younger children. Can't wait until she is old enough to babysit. We love having Hanna in our family. We celebrated this year with a joint party with cousin Abbie and lots of family. A friend party will follow when we find time. Any party suggestions for 9 year old girls?

Spring Break

Spring Break came and went in a flash. We stayed home this year and just hung out. We worked in the yard, watched movies, went swimming, played with friends, soccer soccer and more soccer, played at first dam, celebrated birthdays and had lots of family over. It was a nice little teaser as to what the summer will be like. We didn't get nearly as much "spring cleaning" done as I wanted to, but it sure was relaxing. Summer get here quick.

Catch Up

Ok, so it has been a few weeks since I have had time to sit down and blog. Just a quick catch up on what we have been up to. Easter/Conference weekend was wonderful. We had a great time watching conference and celebrating Easter. The kids participated in a few egg hunts (in the snow) and we had a yummy Easter dinner with the family. The kids also decorated eggs and really enjoyed there Easter baskets. (This might be the last year they get them) All in all it was a great weekend with lots of fun memories.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Flashback Friday

Happy Easter Weekend. I hope that everyone has a wonderful Easter.

Easter 2006

Easter 2010

My how we've grown.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

April Fools

Seriously..... Ugh! I think that most of you are in the same boat that we are. Woke up this morning to a few inches of snow. Good joke mother nature. The bummer thing is that our ski resort closes at the end of March so we cant even enjoy it. Maybe on Saturday we will go sledding instead of hunting for eggs. Mr. sun PLEASE come out and melt it away so we can warm up.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Saturday Spotlight

Dang... I keep forgetting to post a flashback Friday, so today it is Spotlight Saturday. This little guy has been so much fun lately. He is so not a little boy anymore. In just a few short months he will be turning 5. Can you believe it. I have to say that I am a little bit sad about this. His big thing lately has been to turn the music on and dance. He has his own version of "break dancing" that is absolutely hilarious. He will even spin around on the ground. I will get a video of it soon and post it. He is such a funny little kid. I love having him as my buddy. In August he will start school and not be around quite so much. Enjoy it while you can.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Ice Skating

Hanna's class took a field trip to the ice skating rink last week and Dallin and I tagged along. Hanna hasn't ice skated in a few years, but picked it back up pretty quick. It was fun to watch her and her friends out there goofing off. It took me back to my middle school days when we would go ice skating with our friends on Friday nights and hang out. Oh, and Dallin was an angel as always, can't you tell.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Makaylas 7

Happy birthday Makayla. Last week sweet little Makayla turned 7. We celebrated with a family party on her birthday and then a friend party later in the week. This year all of the kids get to have friend parties. Makayla was so sweet this year and didn't want to leave anyone out so we invited all of the girls in her class as well as a few from the neighborhood. It was wild and crazy and we had a blast.

Makayla has always been my little tender heart. She is so kind to others and is always the first one to snuggle up beside you. Although I can tell that she is growing up, I still see the sweet sensitive little girl that she is. She is about to loose her third tooth, start soccer and have a dance performance. She loves all of these things and gymnastics. Here is a little birthday interview with her.
What is your favorite food? Fruit
What is your favorite movie? Pocahontas
What is your favorite thing to do at school? recess
What is your favorite activity? art projects
What do you like to do at home? Play with birthday presents
What do you want to be when you grow up? A Dancer
What's your favorite song? Any Taylor Swift songs
What candy do you like? M&Ms
What are you scared of? Thunder and lightning
What's your favorite book? Little Red Ridinghood
What do like about having sisters and brothers? I get to play with Hanna
What do you like learning about at church? Songs
Where do you like to go in the car? On family trips
What do you like to do outside? Climb trees
What makes you sad? When Hanna won't play with me
What makes you happy? When I get to play with my friends
Who is your best friend? Shaylee
What do you like best about your teacher at school? That we get long recesses
What toys do you enjoy playing with? New barbies
What do you like about yourself? That I am a good dancer
What do you want to say about turning 7? That I got a lot of toys for my birthday

Happy birthday Makayla. We Love You.

Disney on Ice

Last week we went to see Disney on Ice. We had a group of 18 people that met up for the show. What a fun night. The kids all really enjoyed it (including Tyler who complained about having to go). We had great seats and the show was pretty cool. AND it was Aunt Wendy's Birthday. Fun times.

Road Rash

Dallin was out riding his bike for the second time this year and managed to take quite to fall on his face. The results: a chipped tooth and major road rash. Poor guy. The scratches healed up in about a week and a quick trip to the dentist fixed his tooth right up.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

More Skiing

I finally remembered to take my camera with me last weekend while we were skiing. I tried to get a few pic of the kids but the only problems is that all of them (except one little sweet girl) ski faster than I do. We really have had a great time this year up on the mountain. The season is quickly drawing to an end. The kids have all improved a great deal this year and continue to amaze me. Their favorite things to do are to go through the terrain parks and try to do the jumps, or to veer off the runs into the trees and wined there way out.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Flashback Friday

These two cute girls have birthdays next weekend. Should be fun.
Makayla, Mexico summer 2007 and Wendy and Nico Easter 2007