Saturday, February 20, 2010

I'm Back!

After a long break from blogging I have returned. A few highlights of the past oh seven or so months

* Mitch and I took a trip to Fiji in June.

* I turned the big 30 in August

* In September Tyler turned 10. My how he has grow up. He had a great birthday with lots of family

* We had a wonderful holiday season with friends and family

* We have been loving the snow and going skiing

* Ty just finished an exciting basketball season

A few things that we are looking forward to are:

* Birthdays... Mitch-tomorrow, Makayla in March, Hanna in April

* Warm weather... Spring please come soon

* Soccer season starting for the kids

I am going to try really hard to up date my blog weekly, so check back soon.


Wendy said...

Welcome, welcome! Sure have missed you. Super cute layout, BTW.

Vanessa said...

Yeah I figured it is still February so I can get away with it for a few more weeks. How is your blog these days?

Jackee said...

Hooray! Welcome back. You guys are one busy bunch so I know you don't have much time for this blogging thing. Just post when you can! Miss you!

Fortunes said...

Yea! I'm so glad you'll be blogging again. I'm going to try and blog weekly too. And Happy Birthday Mitch!